Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A steady Stream of Free... for those on the inside!

Hey Folks,

Busy things going on for us on the SUPERS! front.  We are close to a final draft on the product and are homing in on getting some descriptions out to our artists. Also, the TGI releases and updates are going out to the backers.  We should have those out by the weekend.  Lastly, we should be good to get the cover going on our regular cover.  Last descriptions for the Cover characters should come in this week so after the holiday we can get that working as well.

We are also working on the next free product for the backers.  We have Zenith Comics with the next character in their, Villainous, line and then another organization book from us at HAZARD Stds.  Looking like a groovy next few weeks.

Next time I'm hiring an assistant.